Digital Curriculum

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back to School, back to school

As summer winds down to its abrupt end, it is time to look back, and forward, to the future year.

Reflecting on the last 2 years, it is important to discuss what worked in terms of adoption (simple digital media, wikis), what needs tweaking (IWB's, Discovery Education), what got left on the cutting floor (discreet applications, one size fits all allocation).

Looking forward to next year, Capital "C" collaboration (OTF Expand our Boundaries) and ECOO), and exciting new developments and ideas within the framework of my role as Elementary Academic ICT Consultant for the OCDSB (what a mouthful!)

And, a new, and much anticipated challenge for me, I will be participating in the PQP Part l Qualificiation program offered by OPC. While my present role requires Curriculum and Instructional Leadership, I am eager to collaborate with an integrated group of teachers, with varying skills sets, that are aggregated by a common goal. I look forward to bringing my existing skills to these discussions, understanding other points of educational views, and learning, oh so much learning!, from my peers and mentors, on the cutting edge theories and practicalities of educating our children for the future, and what role leadership takes in being the change agent.

Busy year? You bet! Refreshed and ready? And how! Overwhelmed? Only a little. I know I have a wide system of support in a PLN that has grown with me over the years, and that can only continue to grow.

So, in the most compelling of all movie phrases, the latest version of which I contentedly snuggled in to watch over the Atlantic on my way to London this summer, "Engage!"