Digital Curriculum

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Educon and Beyond

Finally sifting through last weekend's  brain burst in Philadelphia, this week's official field launch of our Instructional Technology Coaches, and, now, finding out I am presenting to the Board of Trustees on Friday.

Actually the latter two events are helping me synthesize my Educon experience.

Firstly, the heightened sense of goal attainment derived from going with a team comprised of my Superintendent of Instruction, and a very proactive Principal.. What an enriching experience to target specific sessions geared to Professional Learning and Change (and yes, that's a Capital "C" and that's spelled Cool). We shared a Google Doc and collaborated on the fly, capturing ideas that might work, brainstorming how to implement, and using mind-melds to be in each other's thoughts. OK I made that part up, sort of. We (well me) could not stop talking, and planning, wherever we were, walking to SLA, over dinner, travelling home.

Bringing those discussions forward, I came back to work only to find great teacher feedback from our Instructional Technology coaches like the following:

My favourite comment so far was "I've been waiting a year for someone to come and teach me this!"


I have just posted the first (of many) lessons created with a teacher on our wiki space in the lessons in the field page. Y-P., it is in FRENCH!!!!
I will add more but need to perfect them first.

Things are going so well. The staff is amazing and the main comments I am hearing are: "They never focus like this!", "It set the tone for the rest of the day" and "Wow, s/he is actually doing work".

I love it when a plan comes together! Professional Learning, at point of instruction, on site, modeled and co-taught. Just what we talked about in Philly.

And so the Trustees Presentation. Really, I got this. I'm going to demonstrate how our board is scaffolded and enriched by the interactions we have with colleagues from other schools, districts and universities, and how that collaboration scales up to new and innovative Professional Learnings. BTW, I am no longer going use the term PD, just cuz.

And the most important part of this most important presentation? I've got pictures of students, lots and lots of pictures, using ubiquitous technologies, being engaged and empowered, and Learning. At the end of the day, it's all about the kids.